The 2025 Track Clinic was held on February 27 at Fortuna High School. One of the events was the high jump.
This clinic was offered to all Humboldt Country elementary and middle school coaches.
Tara Weaver was our specialist for the jumps. She is the jumping coach for College of the Redwoods. She has a long history of coaching all the jumps. If you have an interest in providing extra coaching for any of your athletes, please write to HRRA and we will contact her. "'
Tara Weaver also helped instruct these coaches in the long jump. They may have received a bit of information in the triple jump.
The long jump and triple jump may seem very closely related, but coaches need to learn different techniques. If any coaches need some help learning some of these techniques, go to the download page on this website and click on the 'Track Events Workshop.'
Reed Elmore, CR's track coach, taught hurdle techniques and safety. Reed's coaches took time from their coaching schedule to help these coaches learn more about coaching track.
Thank you very much Reed and your excellent coaches.
The CR athletes got a little rest from their regular workout program to show proper technique to the coaches.
I'd like to thank all the CR athletes who worked with us to make this such a successful event.
The CR team helped me discuss the relay events. There are two relay events that use two different types of handoffs. It takes a lot of practice to get the 4 X 100 relay handoffs perfect. You can find information about both in the track booklet in our download section.
CR coach Eric Wright helped coaches understand the shot put and discus techniques and safety issues. These events are popular events but need to be carefully coached. Eric has helped us for many years prepare coaches with the right techniques.
After the CR discus throwers showed their technique, coaches got a chance to try the event themselves. Hopefully, they will find the coaching much easier.
Thanks to CR, the CR staff, Fortuna High School and great weather, this was a very nice event. Thanks to all the coaches who came to the event.
HRRAY members helped. Breanna Cahoon helped get everyone to the right places and Alysia Davidson took t
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can get the Coach's Booklet
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